How do I enrol my child into Out of School Hours Care?
The service requires you to complete:
- an enrolment form (available on the Downloads and Forms page)
- a permanent booking form (available on the Downloads and Forms page)
- provide the service with a copy of your child’s immunisation record https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/immunisation/getting-vaccinated/check-immunisation-history
How do I receive the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?
Depending on the families eligibility, families will be required to provide the service with their Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) and their child’s CRN number.
After their child has attended our service the claiming parent will be required to sign into mygov and accept their child’s attendance within 28 days.
Once this has been confirmed their percentage of subsidy will come directly to the service and show on your weekly invoices.
I have received a notification that my enrollment has ceased. What does this mean?
If your child has not attended the service for 14 weeks in a row your child’s enrolment will cease. This means you will be required to log on to mygov and confirm their attendance once they return to the service for your child to receive Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
Why are my Childcare Subsidy (CCS) payments being withdrawn?
If your child’s enrolment has ceased Centrelink will withdraw any previous payments made up until the last day your child physically attended the service. For example, if your child’s last 3 sessions are recorded as ‘absent’ then you will be required to pay the full fee without any CCS subsidy.
My child has additional needs, how can I best support my child at LNPS OSHC?
During the enrolment process we do request detailed information about your child’s individual needs to assist with the educators understanding how to best support your child’s needs.
If your child has high support needs you may be eligible for additional support through the Government’s Inclusion Support Subsidy. Please contact the service on 08 8443 5308 for more information.
How are families invoiced and how do I make payment?
Families will be invoiced weekly in arrears via email on a Thursday.
The service encourages families to use the QKR app to pay fees, however, the service also accepts cash and EFTPOS at the service.
What is the cancellation policy?
The service follows a two week cancellation policy which includes swapping of sessions. Two weeks notice is required to adjust and meet the ratio/ staffing needs.
Is there a late collection fee?
If children have not been collected by 6:05pm a late fee of $15 will apply. Ater 6:05pm parents will need to cover the cost of wages for two educators at overtime rates. If the children have still not been collected by 6:30pm Crisis Care or the Police may be contacted.
Do I need to inform the service if my child is absent?
Yes. Please inform the service of any absences via email : info@lnpsoshc.org.au .
If your child has not arrived at the service we will attempt to contact you and your emergency contacts. If no contact is made the police will be contacted.
Can my child bring electronics or other toys?
The service takes no responsibility for any toys or electronics that are brought in from home. It is difficult for staff to monitor what is on children’s personal devices or to ensure that no photography of other children is occuring. Due to this children may only bring electronic devices into the service if it has been pre-discussed with the Director or it is a technology day during the school holidays.
What food is provided?
Before School Care: Breakfast (toast/cereal)
After School Care: Fruit platter and afternoon snack (menu changes daily. Please check the term menu for more info)
Vacation Care: Breakfast, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are provided.
Do I need to inform the service if my child has any allergies or requires medication?
If your child requires medication it is essential that the service is provided with the medication and a copy of their action plan. Medication and action plans need to be in-date.
Families will be able to inform the service of any medical/allergies on the child’s enrolment form.
Our service aims to be as inclusive as possible when providing food. Please ensure you check the weekly menu and provide an alternative snack if your child does not like the certain menu item or has a severe allergy.